Navigation Bars
Navigation bars offer a persistent and convenient way to switch between primary destinations in an app. A navigation bar implementation is considered one of the key points of Web design and usability.
Basic Navigation Requires JS
Copy as:
<!-- Component: Basic Navbar -->
<header class="relative z-20 w-full border-b shadow-lg border-slate-200 bg-white/90 shadow-slate-700/5 after:absolute after:top-full after:left-0 after:z-10 after:block after:h-px after:w-full after:bg-slate-200 lg:border-slate-200 lg:backdrop-blur-sm lg:after:hidden">
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<!-- End Basic Navbar-->
Navigation with CTA button Requires JS
Copy as:
<!-- Component: Navbar with CTA -->
<header class="relative z-20 w-full border-b shadow-lg border-slate-200 bg-white/90 shadow-slate-700/5 after:absolute after:top-full after:left-0 after:z-10 after:block after:h-px after:w-full after:bg-slate-200 lg:border-slate-200 lg:backdrop-blur-sm lg:after:hidden">
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<!-- End Navbar with CTA -->
Navigation with iconsRequires JS
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<header class="relative z-20 w-full border-b shadow-lg border-slate-200 bg-white/90 shadow-slate-700/5 after:absolute after:top-full after:left-0 after:z-10 after:block after:h-px after:w-full after:bg-slate-200 lg:border-slate-200 lg:backdrop-blur-sm lg:after:hidden">
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Navigation with User Avatar Requires JS
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<!-- Component: Navbar with Avatar -->
<!-- Header -->
<header class="relative z-20 w-full border-b shadow-lg border-slate-200 bg-white/90 shadow-slate-700/5 after:absolute after:top-full after:left-0 after:z-10 after:block after:h-px after:w-full after:bg-slate-200 lg:border-slate-200 lg:backdrop-blur-sm lg:after:hidden">
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Navigation with top bar Requires JS
Copy as:
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<title id="title-tb03">Icon title</title>
<desc id="desc-tb03">A more detailed description of the icon</desc>
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<svg xmlns="" class="w-5 h-5" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" aria-labelledby="title description" role="graphics-symbol">
<title id="title">Cart Icon</title>
<desc id="description">Cart icon with items</desc>
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<span class="absolute -top-1.5 -right-1.5 inline-flex items-center justify-center gap-1 rounded-full border-2 border-white bg-pink-500 px-1.5 text-sm text-white">
<span class="sr-only"> new emails </span>
<!-- End Navbar with Topbar-->
Use a navigation bar to aid visitors in accessing the information on your app. A navigation bar appears at the top of the screen across a website or app, allowing visitors to access the most useful pages quickly.
A navbar consists of the following main components:
- Header: a
container for the navbar. It includes a<div>
that acts as a container that prevents the content to spread to the full width of the page (to increase readability). Removing themax-w-*
classes from that inner<div>
will allow the navigation to expand to the full width. Add a "sticky top-0" class to the<header>
to make it stick to the top of the screen as users scrolls down. - Brand: the company logo (text, image or both).
- Navigation links: a list that contains links to your main pages. It uses a
element that includes a list for the links. The height of the whole navbar is defines in this<nav>
(in our examples 5.5rem (88px)). On small screens, the list of links when open expands to the full height of the screen. - Actions: Extra actions that can be useful to reside on the navbar (CTA button, user avatar, cart icon etc).
- Mobile menu trigger button: visible only on small screens, it allows the menu to expand.
- Top bar (optional): a two-column layout that can host extra information (like social icons or a phone number). The text in the top bar is 0.875rem (14px) and its total height is 2.25rem(36px).
Accessibility notes
- The navigation list wrapper should have a
(not required if a native<nav>
is used.) - The trigger button has an
role with a true/false value, that allows vocalizing menu states (open or closed). - If a user is on a page that is within the navigation menu the
attribute should be assigned to the item corresponding to the active page. - A
is used on all the menu links to indicate that an element is an option in a set of choices contained by the navbar.