
The website footer is the section of content at the very bottom of a web page. It typically contains a copyright notice, link to a privacy policy, sitemap, logo, contact information, social media icons, and an email sign-up form. In short, a footer contains information that improves a website's overall usability.


Three Columns

Four Columns

Three Columns with Sub Footer

Four Columns with Sub Footer

Five Columns with Logo and Sub Footer

Dark Theme

Primary Dark Theme

Primary Light Theme


The website footer is the section of content at the very bottom of a web app. Use the footer to add:

  • Links to other sections of your app
  • links to Privacy Policy, Terms & conditions etc.
  • Logo, about text or even contact information
  • Social media icons


The footer is using the native <footer> element. It consists of 2 main parts:

  • Main footer: it consists of columns that can contain navigation links, about us text, brand and contact information. Text size is 0.875rem (14px) and 1rem (16px) for the navigation column headers.
  • Sub footer: you can add secondary links (like links to Terms and Conditions, Privacy policy etc), social links or contact information.

Accessibility notes

  • Footer is implemented using the native <footer> html tag.
  • All navigation columns should use the <nav> tag. If you have to use a more generic element such as a <div> add a role="navigation" to every navbar column to explicitly identify it as a landmark region for users of assistive technologies.
  • Menus should be labelled according to their individual function. Use an aria-labelledby="" to easily add context to the different navigation columns.

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