
The accordion component is a collection of vertically collapsing header and body elements that can be used to show and hide information.

Leading iconIcon that describes the summaryDo you have any social accounts?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

Yes! You can find Wind UI in many social platforms, such as Facebook, Discord, Reddit and many more, which you can find on our footer under Socials.

Leading iconIcon that describes the summaryHow can I communicate with your support team?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

You can communicate with our team for support through our discord channel. Once you have asked your question, one of our team members will answer you as soon as possible.

Leading iconIcon that describes the summaryDo you have a newsletter?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

Of course! You can join our community through our newsletter which is located on the bottom of every page on our website.

Leading iconIcon that describes the summaryIs there any other way of communication?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

You can always communicate with us through our social accounts and email address at


Basic Accordion

How does TailwindCSS works?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

Tailwind CSS works by scanning all of your HTML files, JavaScript components, and any other templates for className names, generating the corresponding styles and then writing them to a static CSS file.

How do I install TailwindCSS?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

The simplest and fastest way to get up and running with Tailwind CSS from scratch is with the Tailwind CLI tool. The CLI is also available as a standalone executable if you want to use it without installing Node.js. Install tailwindcss via npm, and create your tailwind.config.js file.

What is Wind UI about?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

Expertly made, responsive, accessible components in React and HTML ready to be used on your website or app. Just copy and paste them on your Tailwind CSS project.

How do I use Wind UI components?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

All components can be copied and pasted and easily implemented in your tailwind css projects. You can choose which language you want to copy the desired component and just hover and click on the component you need and paste it on your project.


Basic Accordion with Icons

Leading iconIcon that describes the summaryWhat browsers are supported?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

The components in Wind UI are designed to work in the latest, stable releases of all major browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.

Leading iconIcon that describes the summaryAre the components only available in green?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

All components are easily customizable to match your own project.

Leading iconIcon that describes the summaryIs WindUi open source?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

WindUI is not an open source project yet, but we don't guarantee that it won't become in the future.

Leading iconIcon that describes the summaryHow can I help improve WindUI?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

You can help our team improve WindUI by giving us feedback on our discord channel.


Outline Accordion

Which languages are available for the components?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

Wind UI team currently releases it's components on HTML and React, but also thinking on adding more in the future. You can easily toggle between the two languages through the code blocks, on each page component.

Which icons are you using in the components?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

All our icons related ui components are using, heroicons SVG icons, by the makers of Tailwind CSS.

How can I learn about the latest changes?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

You can find all latest additions and updates in our Changelog page, where we have a detailed timeline for any changes.

Where can I find the official TailwindCSS documentation?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

You can find the official TailwindCSS detailed documentation as well as the official TailwindCSS website link on our footer under Resources.


Outline Accordion with Icons

Leading iconIcon that describes the summaryDo you have any social accounts?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

Yes! You can find Wind UI in many social platforms, such as Facebook, Discord, Reddit and many more, which you can find on our footer under Socials.

Leading iconIcon that describes the summaryHow can I communicate with your support team?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

You can communicate with our team for support through our discord channel. Once you have asked your question, one of our team members will answer you as soon as possible.

Leading iconIcon that describes the summaryDo you have a newsletter?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

Of course! You can join our community through our newsletter which is located on the bottom of every page on our website.

Leading iconIcon that describes the summaryIs there any other way of communication?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

You can always communicate with us through our social accounts and email address at


Elevated Accordion

How do I know what comes next?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

Whenever the team is brewing something new, you will be able to find it, grayed out, on the main component page as well as the websites side navigation. The new component name will be there with a "coming next" badge.

How do I know what is new?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

You will always get notified about new components through our discord and other social accounts. You can also see the newest components on the main component page as well as the websites side navigation with a "new" badge next to their name.

How do I know what is updated?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

All updated components will be accompanied by an "updated" badge. YOu will be able to see that on our main components page as well as our side navigation.

How will I know about any major releases or news?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

You will get notified by us about any major news or releases through our newsletter and our social accounts.


Elevated Accordion with Icons

Leading iconIcon that describes the summaryHow do I use Wind UI components?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

All components can be copied and pasted and easily implemented in your tailwind css projects. You can choose which language you want to copy the desired component and just hover and click on the component you need and paste it on your project.

Leading iconIcon that describes the summaryWhat do you mean by accessible components?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

All components come with proper attributes to ensure full accessibility with the WAI-ARIA standards. Web accessibility means that websites, tools, and technologies are designed and developed so that people with disabilities can use them.

Leading iconIcon that describes the summaryWhat do you mean about fully responsive?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

Every component is fully responsive and implemented to look great at any screen size.

Leading iconIcon that describes the summaryWhich version of TailwindCSS are you using for the components?Open iconicon that represents the state of the summary

Our team has used the currently latest TailwindCSS version. The code is used in its original form without any customization or third party dependencies.



The accordion component is used to deliver large amounts of content in a small space through progressive disclosure.

To implement the accordion the native <summary> HTML element is used. Contents can be any heading content, plain text, or HTML that can be used within a paragraph.

A <summary> element may only be used as the first child of a <details> element. When the user clicks on the summary, the parent <details> element is toggled open or closed, and then a toggle event is sent to the <details>element, which can be used to let you know when this state change occurs.


Each accordion is wrapped within a <details> element with a 1rem (16px) internal padding and can consist of:

  • Summary: the title of the component. Font size of 1rem (16px) and 500 font-weight. It can also have an icon of 1.5rem (24px) in width and height.
  • Content: Any HTML content.

Accessibility notes

Since accordions are built with the native <details> element no additional accessibility roles are required.

Check out the latest release!